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DIY Rose Water Toner

Rose Petals


Written by: Erika Wachter

Rose water has been used for thousands of years. It is first attributed to a scientist named Avicehna in 10th century Persia (modern-day Iran). It has been used for healing, cooking, and beautification. It is said that Cleopatra bathed in rose water and scented her ships with it!

Rose water is great for toning and hydrating the skin. It is safe for all skin types and aids in balancing natural oil production. Rose water encourages circulation and promotes a clear, bright complexion.

Here is a recipe for a refreshing Rose Water Toner!




1 cup rose petals, lightly packed

2 cups distilled water

1/3 c witch hazel

Lavender oil



  1. Place ingredients in a small saucepan over medium/high heat and bring to a boil.
  2. Reduce heat to simmer. The rose petals will float, so you can place a smaller lid on top of the petals while cooking. This will keep them submerged.
  3. Steep the rose petals on low heat for about 45 minutes.
  4. Strain the rose petals through a cheese cloth or fine mesh sieve into a bowl. Discard petals.
  5. Once liquid has cooled down, combine 2/3 cup rose water with 1/3 cup witch hazel and 3 drops of lavender oil.
  6. Put the mixture into a spray/squirt bottle for use on the skin.
  7. Freeze the remaining rose water for later use.

DIY Rose Water


Esthetics Student

Erika Wachter is a current Esthetics

student at the Academy of Beauty

Professionals – Green Bay.

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